
26 Year Old Sri Lankan Develops Unique Electric-Turbo Car

A fully electric-turbo car designed and manufactured by a youthful Sri Lankan entrepreneur-technologist -- 26-year-old Nilanga Senevirathne of Kalubowila - is likely to capture not only the local market, but the international market too

Nilanga Senevirathne Epa,
N.S.E Automobile Engineers
59 / A, Rathnawali Road, Kalubowila,Sri Lanka
Telephone: 94 -06-2182147. 
Mobile :  94-77-6493957. 
Fax: 94-011--2785590


Mighty Mini Sat Drive June 2012

Mighty Mini club members did a Saturday drive on 9th June from SSC to BMICH. Ceylon Motor Show was on at BMICH and the Minis were a hit there. We had over 20 cars taking part in a short drive that ended up at the BMICH Motor show.


Katukurunda Speed 2022 at Katukurunda Sri Lanka

Nippon Paints and SLT Mobitel have come on board as title sponsor and co-sponsor to power ‘Nippon Paint Katukurunda Speed 2022’organized and...